Visit to Belair Primary School

On May 6th, I visited Belair Primary School to have "Meet an Author" sessions with eighty students. Many students showed a keen interest in writing and in particular the process from start to finish in creating a picture book and putting in a publisher submission.

Afterwards, interested students were invited to return for an optional question session. The highlight of the morning was that so many students wanted to participate, and each showed so much enthusiasm and had interesting and well thought through questions to ask. Had it not been for the lunch bell, the session could have gone on indefinitely!

Thank you to the wonderful teachers who organised the visit and to the students who participated. Thanks also for feedback, which makes the day so worthwhile. A few feedback slips have been included below.

I look forward to visiting other schools during the course of the year to motivate young people to write.


“You really inspired me to write more.   Layla.”


“I loved your presentation and I would love for you to come back again.  I love writing and I can never stop.  Georgia.”


“The presentation was amazing.   You seem very loving of what you do and you showed that through the presentation.   Thank you for coming to my school today.   Charlize.”


“You did well in the sense that you talked about yourself and connected it to your writing.   I learned a lot about the real publishing process.   It was good you read your book to us.  Thanks for coming, Gina.   Matilda.”


“Great job explaining everything.   Tyler.”


“I really enjoyed the part where you read the books and it was really interesting when you explained the steps of writing a book.  Joel.”


“I think your books are going to change the way people think about dogs that are service dogs.   I think your books are awesome.   Erin.